Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New article in The Iron County Today...

We had a very nice article written up on SCIE in the Iron County Today. Below is the link! We appreciate everyone's efforts and we had an amazing turnout of the freshman fassst week. We were able to gain just under 200 members. Bring us to somewhere in the 250 range. Look for the names to be updated on the website in the next few days!

Monday, August 31, 2009

SCIE is pleased to announce Learnkey Inc. to our growing list of endorsements.

"As a company that provides continual training in the workplace, Ethics and Integrity in the workplace continues to be our top training courses that are called out in all Business, Governments, and Educational facilities. The idea that a student would be involved in a student organization that focuses and is exposed to just some of the issues at hand would be a great skill and something that would stand out on a resume through the hiring process. The “SCIE” membership provides an endorsement that will be recognized for the outstanding awareness of ethics and integrity. As a business leader I could easily see this organization as one that I could endorse and support. Ethics in the workplace along with personal integrity is a key to our future leadership teams and workforce."

Jamie Franzman

COO ,Learnkey, Inc

2008 Eddie Award Winner

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Students Committed to Integrity and Ethics (S.C.I.E)

SCIE was formed to prepare its members to enter the workforce a step ahead, while providing a much needed service on the campus of the university. It provides an opportunity for a student to show commitment to high integrity in their studies, and also show any future employer that they are not casual in their belief in honesty and integrity. SCIE will provide opportunities for service, and also the opportunity to hear from influential business leaders on the topic of ethics and integrity. Members of SCIE can truly separate themselves from others on campus. One of the most exciting things about SCIE is that it has received some endorsements from some very successful business leaders:

“I would like to personally endorse the values espoused within the charter of SCIE. Personally, I can think of nothing more valuable in a potential candidate than a core understanding of ethics and the integrity to live by them. Being associated with a club whose purpose is to further a commitment to practicing these principles would be an impressive addition to any resume."
-David J. Wunderli
President, Ogio International

"As one of the co-founders of the RBL Group, we have the opportunity to decide which people best fit our team. One of the most important attributes we look for in those we hire is their level of personal integrity. It can be hard to tell how committed someone is to high business ethics from a short interview or resume, however if the candidate can demonstrate how they have gone out of their way to improve the ethical behavior of themselves and those around them, they definitely will distinguish themselves in the hiring process. SCIE is an organization that can help you show that to your prospective employers."
-Dave Ulrich
Professor, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Partner, The RBL Group
Author of The Leadership Code,
Ranked #1 as management educator and guru, BusinessWeek Magazine;
Ranked as one of the top 10 most creative people in the world, Fast Company;
Listed as top 5 business coaches, Forbes

"Stories about the dishonesty and lack of ethics among business leaders seem to fill an ever-increasing share of our newspapers lately. My colleagues and I have conducted a study which demonstrates that students preparing to enter the workforce, who attend a school where they are united with a group of people who are outwardly committed to holding themselves to higher standards of ethical behavior, are more likely to develop higher ethical standard themselves – standards which will remain with them as they pursue their careers. Thus, being a part of any organization that abides by higher standards than the norm, such as S.C.I.E., is great preparation to become successful, honest business leaders. I endorse any group you can join to proactively work towards changing the trend of declining ethical standards in business, and in society at large.”
-Donald McCabe
Professor, Rutgers University
National leader on scholastic ethics and academic integrity

"It has become increasingly difficult to obtain a top-notch job after graduation. More and more it is important for any college graduate to distinguish him or herself from the rest of the applicants, many of which may be more qualified. Any employer looks for those who would add value to their entity, especially with their high values and morals. Being a part of an organization such as SCIE would be a way for you to show your future employer that you are not casual in your belief in business ethics."
-Gary Goodrich
CEO, ProPay Inc.

"I have been fortunate to consult and work with numerous large corporations as one of the founders of Partners in Leadership, an international management consulting and training company. In our work with clients all over the world, I have found, contrary to what the business headlines might suggest today, that these organizations insist that their people possess and demonstrate the qualities of honesty and integrity in everything they do. As an author of several business books, one subject I feel worthy of more attention and focus, and that is key to developing today's business leaders, is that of ethical and moral standards. There is no better time to learn this than while in school, and SCIE is an organization that will help you develop these essential qualities."
-Roger Connors
President, Partners In Leadership, Inc.
Author, The Oz Principle, How Did That Happen?

“I believe one of the greatest tests each student will face within their lifetime will be how far they will go to maintain their personal integrity. I also believe how they respond to that test will not only affect their business career but also their personal life. Unfortunately, I have watched individuals compromise their integrity, which resulted in a loss of everything they had worked for. Being a member of a group like SCIE will set the student apart from all other individuals. I am confident that a student’s participation in SCIE would not only make a difference to any employer but it would be the deciding factor between me hiring an individual involved in a group like SCIE or not. I will always choose someone who is willing to take a stand and be committed to integrity and ethics.”
-Daren G. Hogge
President, Genesis PURE
President, Legacy for the Future Foundation